Surrounded by our olive trees clinging to the sun-drenched, rocky slopes, caressed by the gentle hillside breeze, the chickens of “Solenti Clivi” roam freely. They breathe the pure air of the enchanting Tiber Valley, a landscape so pristine that it benefits from significant landscape conservation efforts.
They can roam around the meadows all day long, pecking at their high-quality organic feed, feeding as they please on what the wild vegetation has to offer and only sheltering in their chicken coops at night or when the weather is bad. We do not see them as property from which we must obtain maximum productivity, but as part of a unique ecosystem, in harmony with nature and its rhythms; they are free and happy chickens.
Their diet adheres to a specific nutritional chart, designed to ensure their health and well-being, based on a corn-based blend with added hemp and flax, all strictly organic.
Their diet adheres to a specific nutritional chart, designed to ensure their health and well-being, based on a corn-based blend with added hemp and flax, all strictly organic.
Scrupulous attention to the proposed diet, as well as ensuring the production of eggs featuring a typical and unmistakable taste, allows us to offer the consumer a balanced product from the point of view of the main nutritional values, characterised by a perfect ratio of Omega 3 and Omega 6 values, naturally certified by specific laboratory analyses carried out by accredited laboratories.
hanks to our chickens’ special diet, the ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6 is at an optimum value, making our eggs a healthy and complete food, but also richer in Vitamin A, E and beta carotene than most products on the market.
Sono queste scelte metodologiche a determinare un eccellente equilibrio nutrizionale delle uova, ci piace pensare che il loro gusto inconfondibile, adatto alla semplicità delle ricette tradizionali come all’alta cucina, sia anche merito del rapporto diretto delle galline di “Solenti Clivi” con la natura, la loro libertà di movimento e l’amore con cui le accudiamo.
Speaking of which,
did you know that our eggs hatch to the compositions of Mozart?
Music therapy, in fact, is a hallmark of our breeding. The great composer’s ineffable notes accompany our animals through their days, carrying them into the arms of Orpheus at sunset and helping to make those dreary rainy-filled hours less boring.
This is just one of the many caring gestures that we give to our lively and colourful flock of chickens, including specimens of the Livorno Gold Neck, Silver Neck and White Neck, Plymouth Rock, Marans and Araucana.
Collected and sorted by hand several times a day, our organic eggs for direct consumption are a safe, tasty and wholesome food with high nutritional and organoleptic value. Our farm also offers fertilised eggs, chicks and breeding stock of the same varieties.
You can always buy chicks,
organic eggs e
fertile organic eggs.
Call the number
+39 333 884 6327 or write: info@solenticlivi.com